We all know our shoulders are the most mobile joint in our body. So, it is painful, we surely find it very difficult to move our arms around. If moving your arms above your head and behind your back is painful, seek help right away from local Asheboro NC orthopedic doctors.
Causes of shoulder pain
The most often cause of shoulder pain is a torn rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is made up of four tendons that pass underneath a rigid bony arch in the shoulder. When these tendons become trapped under this arch, we feel pain. We should be careful since compressed tendons become damaged or inflamed. This condition is known as rotator cuff tendonitis. Rotator cuff tendonitis is the result of injury, aging and repetitive work or motion.
Arthritis is also a major cause of shoulder pain. Arthritis in the joints around the shoulder is called bursitis. Another cause of shoulder pain is known as the frozen shoulder syndrome. This happens when tendons, muscles and ligaments stiffen up inside the shoulder. This makes motion difficult and painful. Dislocation and fractures to the shoulder bones are other causes of shoulder pain as well.
Shoulder arthroscopy
If experiencing shoulder pain for more than two weeks despite treatment, consult with our doctors. Depending on your case, orthopedic doctors may perform shoulder arthroscopy to determine the cause, extent of damage and treatment. This procedure involves an arthroscope, a small camera used to examine our shoulder. Shoulder arthroscopy is a surgery done to smoothen rough bone surfaces, restore joint stability and repair rotator cuff tears.
If the pain you are experiencing in your shoulders are very persistent, it is probably the right time to consult with an orthopedic doctor. Orthopedic doctors diagnose and create a treatment program for shoulderpains.
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