Friday, July 27, 2012

Knee Pain Treatment from Sports Medicine Doctors in Asheboro NC

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If you’re from Asheboro NC and you are experiencing knee pain, you’ll discover that help is just around the corner. The caring and experienced sports medicine doctors are just around the cornet to provide the caring solution to the people in Asheboro NC for knee pain.

In order to educate the people living in Asheboro NC very well, the sports medicine doctors undergo various trainings especially for those athletes with concern to the knee pain cause and injuries to the joint. Sports medicine doctors are also known as orthopedic doctors that focus on the body’s mechanical functions and to the injuries.
Athletics and knee pain

People considered knee pain as a usual thing in life where in sports medicine doctors treats regularly such as those endurance athletes. Cyclists and runners are one of the people that are always affected by sports injuries due to the movement included in the sports. Some of the symptoms to know when you have a sports injury is intense pain, inflammation and bruises to the injured area. Furthermore, the person could also experience pain when walking, getting up or sitting.

If knee pain affects your daily lifestyle activities, then you can consider asking for help with your area’s orthopedic doctors or sports medicine doctors. 

Sports Medicine Doctors in Asheboro NC Take Good Care of their People

People are very thankful in Asheboro NC due to having caring and experienced sports medicine doctors. They are thankful about the dedication of the sports medicine doctors and orthopedic surgeons who are helping them about the safe and proper sports training as well as the injury preventions they encounter in sports.

When the body is overused and people performs athletics activities, they tend to obtain injuries. The common injury that people obtains from overused and athletic activities is sports injury. A good example are the tennis players who normally use their arms and elbow to swing repetitively. Therefore, causing them to gain the sports injury. Also hitting the body hard to an object makes the person receives broken bone, tendon or ligaments. ACL tears are also injuries that can be seen on basketball players and roofers. And injuries can range further depending to the cause of it.

To bring back the normal lifestyle of the person affected by the injuries, orthopedic surgeons and sports medicine doctor collaborates with Human Motion Institute and Randolph Hospital to solve the problem of their patients regarding sports injury. They are also providing encouragement to people who are scared to go back to their normal lifestyle activities due to their experience.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Orthopedic Surgeons in Asheboro NC Offers Back Pain Forte

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If you are suffering from back pain, then you might want to consider the new techniques and treatments for back pain in Asheboro NC. Basically, the root cause of the back pain will be diagnosed in order for the orthopedics to create a treatment plan and rehabilitation program for the patient suffering from back pain.

Usual cause of back pain

The normal cause of back pain can be from poor postures, repetitive lifting techniques and poor physical conditions as well as incorrect bending. Back pain is what orthopedic surgeons and therapist are capable of resolving in order to bring back the normal lifestyle of their patients suffering from it.

Physical therapy and rehabilitation

Human Motion Institute is the best place for people looking for state of the art physical treatment center. They employ unique and proven therapy through isolated exercises to improve the strength and fitness of their patients. Treatments from illness, disease or injury are what makes these things designed by them.

Things You Need to Consider for Joint Replacement in Asheboro NC

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If you need cutting edge joint surgery method for your quality care, then you can consider the joint replacement surgery. This kind of surgery is different from the other kinds of surgeries since this joint replacement surgery can be planned ahead of your schedule. The main reason is that the procedure is an elective surgery unlike other surgical procedures that needs to be done urgently. The orthopedic surgeons can assist you with your joint related concerns.

How to know if you require joint replacement

If your pain isn’t going away even if you had undergone from non-surgical methods or you are experiencing so much pain that bothers you during sleep time. Furthermore, if you’ve tried the invasive surgery procedures for your joint pain and it does not help, then this is the perfect time to consider joint replacement. There are still more factors to consider in order to determine if you need joint replacement and you can ask experts to know more.

Not all patients suffering from joint pain can undergo the joint replacement surgery since there are also factors to consider if you are a good candidate for the process. Therefore, if you have non-working muscles supporting the join, damaged nerves and systematic infections, these might be a cause to prevent you from being a good candidate for the procedure.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What do Sports Medicine Doctors Do in Asheboro, NC?

Sports medicine in Asheboro, NC is one of the leading provider of health care for health related injuries. Most sports medicine doctors are family doctors who specialize in the muscuskeletal system of a patient. Most sports medicine doctors also specialize in surgery, although quite often most of them are not.

All sports medicine doctors are focused on the lifelong wellness of their patients. With this being said, they focus on the prevention of complications sport related accidents and injuries can incur in the long run. Although it's called sports medicine, the services are not just being offered to people involved in sports like athletes but to all. Sports medicine doctor go through trainings and accreditation to ensure that they are well experienced in the field before they are allowed to treat sports related problems.

Sports Medicine doctors often treat sport related injuries like back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sprains, muscle strains and fractures. They also deal with wear and tear injuries like arthritis. Most sports medicine doctors are involved with the community. 

What are the most common causes of knee pain in Asheboro, NC

knee pain asheboro NC
We will all feel knee pain at one time, most of us would only feel it for a few days and will be gone. But what if it's constant? Today, we will list down the most common causes knee pain and what should be done about it.

The most common cause of knee pain is an injury, if you are someone who plays sports frequently then you may have felt it one time or another. If a blunt or sudden force hits the knee it can result to knee injury displacing the joints. Sprain and strains are also very common causes of knee injuries. Tearing of the knee ligament can also become a great cause of knee pain, if you have experience all of these, you have to seek medical treatment right away to check for the severity of the problem and to get treatment right away.

Another cause of knee pain injury is arthritis, as we age most of us will suffer from this. Wear and tear of the knee joints and ligaments can greatly cause pain in all of us. Although there is no known cure for arthritis although treatments can greatly help in reducing pain. Sports medicine is one of the best source of relief for knee pain, in some cases knee surgery is needed.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Spine complaints have found proper care in Asheboro NC

Spine pain and other spine complaints should not be treated lightly. For spine concerns, we should immediately consult with an orthopedic doctor. We should remember that our spines keep us upright. If early spine pain is not immediately handled, it may worsen and result to bigger problems.


Sometimes, spine pain is confused with back pain. Actually, back pain may be considered as a symptom of spine pain. We will know or we can begin to suspect that we have spinal problems if we feel a sharp shooting pain that runs from the buttocks down to the back of our legs. A tingling pain in the arms, legs, lower back and neck is also an indicator of spinal problems. As we can see, the spine is a critical body part since it is where other body parts and functions are rested. That is why we should seek help immediately if we feel we have spine pain.


Spine pain does not always result from injury. It may come from sudden twisting and bending. It may also come improper posture. Lastly, spine pain may result as we age. You see, our spine has what we call disks. Disks are rubbery pads that act as shock absorbers between the bones. Disks allow our backs to twist, flex and bend. When we are younger, our disks have a high water content. When we age, the water decreases. This will result to hindered movement.

Ruptured disks are a common cause for spine pain. Sometimes, the disks in our spine become ruptured or herniated. This will put pressure on our spinal cord resulting to numbness and obviously pain.


Records show that the most effective spine care is non-surgical treatment. Even if the cause is herniated disks, non-surgical treatment still is the top option. Conservative treatment like resting, putting on ice, anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers will do the job. However, if you still feel pain after two weeks, it will now be time to consult with an orthopedic doctor.

Another method that orthopedic surgeons use is therapy. Orthopedic doctors routinely work with spine rehabilitation experts and physical therapists to design spine treatment. Aside from therapy, patients are also advised to undergo various types of exercise and practice proper body mechanics during movement to prevent recurrence.

If you want your spine pain to be treated comprehensively and carefully, seek medical help from the orthopedic doctors. You will surely find relief, increase body strength and a healthier spine.

Orthopedic doctors in Asheboro NC specialize in surgery

Asheboro NC is now a magnet for patients needing advanced orthopedic treatment and care. Thanks to some highly trained and experienced orthopedic doctors and surgeons, patients with musculoskeletal problems can now breathe a sigh of relief. They can now receive proper orthopedic care that will restore their body’s normal function.

Experts are providing advance procedures involving surgery in the joints, shoulders, hip and knees. They care for patients that have and do not have sports related injuries.

Anatomic ACL reconstruction

Dr. Jeffrey Yaste is a renowned sports medicine doctor. He has received extensive training in elbow, hip, knee and shoulder surgeries. He offers an alternative to traditional ACL repair surgery called anatomic ACL reconstruction. One advantage that makes this innovative highly popular is shorter recovery time. Dr. Lance Sisco joins Dr. Yaste in the sports medicine area. He has extensive experience working with amateur and professional sports teams. When athletes get injured, they need to recover fast. Dr. Yaste and Dr. Sisco provide valuable assistance on this matter.

Subvastus knee replacement

Subvastus knee replacement is another innovative surgical procedure. It is minimally invasive which in turn makes recovery faster. Because of this benefit, this is steadily becoming a highly preferred procedure. Dr. Megan Swanson is among the few orthopedic surgeons trained in this procedure. She is also well experienced in hip replacement.

Joint replacement

Joint replacement is getting more common as people in their senior years are still living an active lifestyle. Plus, the number of young people engaging in sports is also increasing. These developments have contributed to the increased cases of joint replacements. 

The team of orthopedic doctors and surgeons take a personal interest in providing competent care for their patients. They also contribute to the community by providing awareness and education that teaches young and old how to take care of their health and prevent injuries.

An orthopedic doctor provides significant help and treatment to musculoskeletal problems. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I experience back pain in Asheboro NC, what are my options?

If you experience severe back pain, the best way to know what's going on with your body is to meet with an expert right away. In fact, most orthopedic doctors in Asheboro NC area are equipped with the best medical tools and knowledge to treat back pain and other bone related disorders.

Low back pain, what causes it?

Lower back pain is the most common pain experienced by many all around the world. It can be caused of several factors including prolong sitting. Sport, home chores can cause back pain. The best approach to treat this is by heading to an orthopedic doctor for the right treatments.

What are my medical options?

Once an orthopedic doctor assessed your condition, he may give you options on how to treat your back pain. The most common treatment for back pain is non surgical therapy. Although for most severe cases, an surgery can treat and stop the pain for good. Remember, surgical procedures today are less invasive than they were in the past.

Joint replacement surgery can answer your constant joint pain in Asheboro NC

joint replacement surgery
Do you feel constant pain in radiating in your joints day in and out. You can be a good candidate for a joint replacement surgery. Joints connect bones from one another, if your joints do not function properly, your movement can be limited and can affect your everyday tasks. There are several reasons why you experience joint pain, to get a full assessment go to the nearest hospital in Asheboro, NC. If you feel slight joint pain, it can be indicative of joint damage, heading to an expert in the field can be crucial for your condition.

When Joint replacement surgery is needed

Although some joint pains can be treated without surgery, there are instances that surgeries are required. Some of these are crucial damage to the joints, fracture, wear and tear and many more. Arthritis is the number one reason why most people suffering from joint pain needs a joint replacement procedure done. The joints are no longer properly lubricated therefore extreme pain is experienced. Joint replacement is usually done on shoulders, knees or other body parts that experience extreme joint pains.

I feel the pain, how do I proceed?

Proper and immediate treatment is needed if you experience severe joint pains. The thing to understand is your vigilance can be the key so you do not have to go through this procedure. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

More people are getting subvastus knee replacement in Asheboro NC

As a solution to knee pain, subvastus knee replacement is becoming a popular choice among orthopedic patients in Asheboro NC. Knee surgery itself is a complicated procedure and if we are to undergo surgery, we should seek competent, reliable professional help from orthopedic surgeons.

Knee pain is an indicator that there is something wrong with your knee joints. However, not all knee pain requires surgery as a treatment option. Minor knee pain can be treated with non-surgical methods. However, severe damage to our knees almost always needs surgery for total healing. Arthritis is a typical result of inflammation. It hinders our mobility in performing day to day activities. To relieve arthritic knee pain, total knee replacement is needed.

Subvastus knee surgery

You may have heard of traditional knee surgery and maybe subvastus knee replacement is new to you. Subvastus knee surgery is indeed new. What makes it different with traditional knee surgical procedures is it is minimally invasive. Traditional surgery requires the quadriceps muscle to be cut. On the other hand, this procedure, the quadriceps muscle is spared. This in turn will result to less trauma and faster recovery.

In a knee surgery, damaged parts of the joint are removed from the bone. The bone then is shaped to accept a plastic or metal artificial joint. This artificial joint serves as the replacement of the damaged part that was removed. This is a generally successful procedure but requires lengthy physiotherapy and extended recovery time.

In Asheboro NC, 87% of patients getting the subvastus procedure go home in just 3 days or less. The pain after the surgery is also significantly decreased. In addition to these benefits, a patient will have a shorter hospital stay, less blood loss and faster recovery time. Rehabilitation is also shorter and patients would already walk in distances and maneuver around their homes without difficulty.

These are the reasons why more and more people are opting to go through the subvastus program. This is an innovative surgical procedure and there are not many who perform this procedure. Experienced orthopedic surgeons perform this innovative and minimally invasive surgical procedure.

Taking good care of our knees is very important. When we experience chronic knee pain, the best thing to do is to consult with reliable orthopedic doctors. Should surgery be necessary, opt for the subvastus knee replacement.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

For active Asheboro NC citizens, surgery is an option for an ACL tear

Residents in Asheboro NC may find comfort in the fact that an ACL tear does not necessarily need surgery. It is surely an option for a patient but it doesn’t mean it is the only way to fix our ACL.

The anterior cruciate ligament is one of the four major ligaments of the knee. It stabilizes the knee and it also prevents excessive motion of the knee joint. However, it may be injured while executing pivoting and landing movements.

ACL tears usually occur in sports. This is naturally so since athletes subject their knees to huge amounts of pressure and stress while playing. They may hurt their ACL while running, jumping and pivoting. Other patients may not need a strong ACL but it is quite different for athletes. They often undergo ACL surgery so their motion fit for competition may be restored.

Professional doctors diagnose an ACL tear by letting patients get an MRI. It is the most common method to diagnose ACL injuries as well as other knee injuries.

ACL surgery

ACL injuries may not always require surgery. Often, patients feel better after applying the RICE method – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Mediation such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen are usually recommended as well. However, for quite severe cases, instability of the knee joint, as a result of an ACLtear, poses problems and later on may prompt the need for surgery.

ACL reconstruction is the usual procedure to fix a torn ACL. In this procedure, the torn ligament is replaced with another tendon or ligament. One variation of this procedure is called anatomic ACL reconstruction. 

Anatomic ACL reconstruction places the substitute tendon precisely in the same position of the original ligament. This procedure addresses the difficulty of replicating the original ligament function. With this procedure, patients experience faster recovery.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Shoulder pain easily managed in Asheboro NC

Let’s face it, from time to time, we experience should pain. And when we do, then our day is ruined. We have trouble doing little things, like opening the garage door, combing our hair and lifting a child. We don’t need to suffer from shoulder pain since there are medical solutions easily accessible to the public.

To understand our shoulders together, we should understand first the anatomy of the shoulder.  The shoulder is a complicated structure. It is made up of several bones, tendons, muscles and even ligaments. All these work together harmoniously so our shoulders can function normally and properly.

The shoulder is made of three bones – upper arm blade, shoulder blade and collarbone. Our arm is kept in the shoulder socket by four muscles called the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff stabilizes the shoulder which in turn keep our arms in the socket and shoulder movement.

For minor cases of shoulder pain, we can apply ice and rest the shoulder for a couple of days. This should help in reducing the pain and swelling. We can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to make the recovery faster

The most common cause for shoulder pain is a torn rotator cuff. It is common for tendons to get damaged or inflamed. In their movement, they are rubbed against the bone within the shoulder joint. Another causes for shoulder pain included injury, arthritis, repetitive motion, aging and bursitis. Bone concerns such as dislocation, fractures and impingement.

However, for severe cases, surgery might be required to relieve the pain. Orthopedic surgeons utilize what we call shoulder arthroscopy. This is a minimally invasive procedure used to examine or repair damaged tissues inside and around the shoulder joint.

You do not need to suffer from shoulder pain unnecessarily. It is best to seek medical help right away. We can avoid serious problems if we seek medical help immediately.