Saturday, January 7, 2012

Consult an Orthopedic Doctor About Tendonitis

Tendonitis is when tendons become irritated due to repetitive usage of one part of the body. This is commonly seen in the heel, wrist, elbow, and shoulder.

Most cases can be easily treated with a home remedy called RICE - or Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. This usually does the job in a few hours. However, if pain is still felt in the area, then going to an orthopedic doctor is a must. Your orthopedic doctor will check for tenderness in the area since that indicates injury. You can also help your doctor by pointing to the painful part. Once this is done, your doctor will give you medication and recommend exercises to improve the affected area.

It is important to go to an orthopedic doctor in Asheboro if your tendonitis is getting worse because in some cases, tendonitis leads to a torn tendon, which may require surgical repair or a longer rehabilitation period. Avoid this injury by cross-training, doing lighter exercises when pain is felt, and by consulting a doctor right away.

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