The rotator cuff can be easily damaged or injured, but when this happens, doctors usually prefer to treat it non-surgically. This means full rest with icing, physical therapy, taking pain medications, and sometimes even injection of steroids. However, if a patient experiences chronic shoulder pain, surgeons will most likely recommend rotator cuff repair.
Rotator cuff repair can be done through arthroscopic or open surgery procedure. During the procedure, the orthopedic surgeon makes sure that the space between the patient's shoulder blade and collar bone allows free movement by trimming bone protrusions and damaged tissue. Simple suturing can repair the rotator cuff if it is not completely torn. However, plastic or metal anchors will be used to stitch the tendon to the bone for a completely torn rotator cuff. After the surgery, a recovery program will be given to aid in the healing process. Medications will also be given to ease pain or discomfort.
Stop shoulder pain now and schedule an appointment with one of the skilled orthopedic surgeons.